The state of Israel has endured contentious warfare for its entire existence. No sooner had it been declared in May 1948 than it became involved in a struggle for survival, fighting its neighbours in a ferocious clash. This was the first Arab-Israeli war, but it would be far from the last.

Shifting Sands traces the history of the successive Arab-Israeli conflicts: from the sidelines of the Suez crisis, through the lightning Six-Day War, the guerilla-like War Of Attrition and the strategic surprise of the Yom Kippur War, all the way to the historic Osirak raid and the epic air battle over the Bekaa Valley.

The campaign covers both the battles that happened and the clashes that did not, but could have; all of them snapshots of the ever-shifting sands of a fragile balance in arguably the most violently fluid region of the planet since WW2.